Hi there, My name is Irish, I am a new hot kenyan call girl with big boobs and sexy body offering hot massage and escorts services at very affordable rates.
If you are looking to have a good time today with a young energetic escort then Tanya is your girl.
Available for incalls and out calls at all times.

Incalls per hour from
(KES) KSh2,000

Outcalls per hour from
(KES) KSh5,000

  • Languages English (Good),Swahili (Good)
  • Orientation Heterosexual
  • Ethnicity African
  • Age 24
  • Smokes? No
  • Nationality Kenyan
  • City Kikuyu , Kenya
  • Bust Medium
  • Location Kikuyu Town
  • Height 5 ' 2 " / 160 cm
  • Shaved Yes
  • Hair color Black
  • Gender Female

Irish is hot Kenyan Female escort from Kikuyu Town in Kikuyu Kenya. she is available for in-calls and outcalls at all times. Hook up with Irish today.

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